Control 4 TVs to form a big screen - 4 TV Video Wall Controller

How do the four monitor splicing screens form a big screen?

Are you sure what you see in the mall are LCD monitors?

In fact, it has already existed, it is to imitate the LCD splicing screen, using an external splicing processor to achieve this effect.

Nowadays, many commercial advertisements are played on large screens. Supermarket stores will install a splicing large screen composed of multiple LCD monitors or TV sets to play video advertisements. Then iSEMC uses 4 as an example to solve 4 LCD TVs or monitors. How to form a big screen

In fact, there are two large-screen solutions composed of 4 LCD monitors:

The first is to buy a good LCD computer, configure a relatively high-end multi-screen graphics card, through the multi-screen display 4 high-definition interfaces to output to the back of 4 LCD TVs or monitors, and then set up a multi-screen card, so as to achieve a large splicing Screen picture. If you do this, the effect is not very good, and there is a risk of computer virus infection. It is not recommended for customers.

The second is that you need a 4 TV Video Wall Controller, or a splicing box. Now there are many brands of such products. Just buy one. The iSEMC 4TV Video Wall Controller can quickly switch splicing/single display status, and supports multi-interface input. Yes, it is convenient for multi-signal use, and can also be used as a signal switcher. Compared with the previous solution, the second one is more versatile, whether you need a 4 TV/6 TV video wall controller, you can use it.


4 TV Video Wall Controller


4 Features of TV Video Wall Controller:

1. The test signal of the wall can be generated for the adjustment of the unit. The unit has a picture-in-picture display function, and a single screen can display two picture-in-pictures, which can realize intelligent adjustment of brightness.

2. The system is easy to expand. The large-screen splicing multi-screen controller supports up to 256 RGB outputs and can drive 256 units.

3. Application systems such as the control center can be clearly displayed on the LCD splicing screen without affecting the normal use of the user system. The software splicing system can ensure the superimposition of the resolution, so that the graphics that cannot be displayed on the small screen are clearly displayed on the whole screen.

4. Full hardware architecture, no risk of virus infection, and good security.

5. The start-up time is extremely fast, less than 5 seconds.

Sixth, the output of the graphics card is an RGB signal, and up to 48 outputs can be configured. Support multi-channel video input, up to 128 channels, compatible with signal sources.

Seven, the video window can be zoomed arbitrarily, full-screen roaming, support PAL/NTSC/SECAM, automatically identify and track changes in the system.

8. The operation interface is intuitive and easy to use. The call and control of graphic signals has nothing to do with the user's application program, ensuring the safety of the user system.

9. The system has a secondary development function, which can be developed on the basis of the controller and the original software code according to the specific requirements of the user.

10. The splicing system is reliable and safe, and has the ability to work 7×24 hours. Ensure the stability of the system. It can be equipped with dual power supplies, fans, and can be hot-replaced.

11. The output display format is XGA or SXGA, which directly drives the LCD splicing unit.

12. Divide a channel of video VGA signal into M×N combination effects.

13. The picture and function of each large-screen display should be arbitrarily defined, and the large-screen display has a short response time to call up the picture.

14. Automatic adjustment of brightness, contrast, chroma and smoothness of image parameters.

15. Support remote multi-user operation: users can operate the large screen with a single mouse or multiple mice and keyboards through the local area network to realize the splicing of the large screen. Multiple operators can use the mouse and keyboard of their respective desktops to interactively operate the large screen on the large screen. Open or close the video and RGB windows, change the position and size of the windows, etc.

16. The user can open multiple active windows at any position on the screen. All windows should be able to move arbitrarily, zoom in or zoom out, and ensure that the details of the screen are not lost when the screen is zoomed, zoomed, or moved, such as characters without missing strokes, etc.

4 TV video wall controller system solution (2x2 video wall), usually composed of 4 LCD monitors of the same specification, video wall control software, power supply and cables connected to the display.

If you have 4 TVs of the same specification, you can use the TV as your splicing screen, and match it with a suitable 4TV video wall controller, you can get it;