
Why AV over IP?

AV over IP:

AV over IP has been announced in ProAV industry for several years, but it has been particularly popular in the past two years. In 2017 and 2018. AV over IP (Audiovisual over Internet Protocol), also known as AV/IP, AV over Network, IP distributed audio and video systems, or Networked audio and video systems. AV over IP refers to the use of standard network equipment to transmit and switch video and audio signal. Like IoT concept of IT industry, it is commonly referred to AV over IP in the ProAV industry. In technical essence, AV over IP provides the transmission of audio and video data over a standard network such as LAN, WAN or Internet cloud, as a similar concept of Netflix from Internet TV. With the popularity of IoT in various industries,


Figure: Traditional A/V and AV over IP

Differences between traditional A/V and AV over IP:


Traditional AV uses “physical cable” for transmission, no matter how system connected, no matter what kind of signal and analog signal, such as S-Video or composite, or digital signal as HDMI, HDBaseT, SDI, etc., audio and video signal are transmitted through cables and matrix switchers. On the other hand, AV over IP is connected with an IP switcher using regular cable, such as Cat5e or Cat6, and transmitted over an Ethernet, WAN, LAN, or WiFi.

Data format:

Traditional A/V keeps the data intact from the AV source, without any data compression, splitting or encoding, and then transmits data to the AV destination via a series of physical cables and switching boxes. In the contrary, in AV over IP architecture, the data of AV source is encoded into network packets by an Encoder, and each packet contains a part of original data, destination IP, and sequence of the original data.


Way of switching: 

In traditional A/V, matrix switcher plays an important role in transmitting signals from the source to the specified destination. Except some of few expanded models, most of matrix switchers have a fixed number of ports, which are distinguished by input and output ports. Generally, matrix switcher is a hardware based point-to-point technology, common products such as 4×4, 8×8, 16×16 or 64×64 matrix switchers. Taking a 4×4 (4 inputs and 4 outputs) matrix switcher as an example, 4CH of AV source signals can be transmitted and switched to 4 arbitrary destination devices for display, playback or control.


Based on above three differences, it can be easily understood that AV over IP is an audiovisual signal transmission technology developed with the concept of IoT Internet protocol and IT network. 

View isemc's best AV OVER IP products