Central control room in a smart factory

Definition and development background of smart factory

Smart Factory: Enhance information management services with digital IoT skills and monitoring skills.
Factory becomes controllable during production, avoiding manual intervention.

Smart factories integrate emerging technologies such as intelligent means and intelligent systems.
Build an efficient, energy-saving, green, friendly and comfortable humanized smart factory.
The essence is the interaction between machine and machine, man and machine, and man and man.

With the birth of the concept of Industry 4.0 and the promotion of World Manufacturing 2025, the fourth industrial revolution led by intelligent manufacturing is coming.
The smart factory will be a key part of the future industrial system.
Among them, the control room is one of the most important.

factory control room

Definition and development of central control room

The central control room is the core area of ​​human-computer interaction in the smart factory. The huge amount of data that occurs in the smart factory every day is gathered in the central control room.

The console carries signal input and output, and the control device is the main channel for human-computer interaction.
The console has a 7×24-hour daily uninterrupted operation environment.

The classic central control room is dominated by key control points corresponding to many buttons and instruments.
With the development of technologies such as PLC, DCS, SCADA, video surveillance, robotics, Ethernet, optical fiber and 5G, the automation, digitization and intelligence of production lines are constantly improving.

Now the construction of smart factories is in full swing. The share of smart factories in the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom has exceeded 40%, and there are more factories building smart factories and advanced other central control rooms.

The smart factory takes ERP as the core, integrates and connects PLM, SCM, CRM, MES and other systems and realizes interaction.
It can monitor, collect and analyze the entire production process through the advanced central control room, thus forming a highly flexible, personalized, and Networking, perhaps further, in the form of an enterprise operation decision-making center, gathers, reacts, coordinates, and operates one or more smart factories in all aspects of operational business data streams.

Factory small monitoring room

The current international high-standard smart factory central control room has the following characteristics:

1. Generally, it has a compact overall layout design, and the monitoring and control seats are integrated.
The integrated design of the living area and the working area, the light environment is less natural light.

2. Choose control equipment that improves operator efficiency

3. Equipped with many display and control terminals, including curved displays, large displays and inclined touch screen displays.

The console and walls use sound-absorbing materials and screens to reduce noise disturbance.

4. The production monitoring is integrated with the enterprise operation decision plan.
A small number of large-scale LED screens also reduce the overall investment in the control room.