Four splicing forms of LED display - which one do you know?

What is LED splicing screen?

LED splicing screen is also called electronic splicing screen. It is different from LCD splicing screen. It is mainly composed of LED dot matrix and led pc panel, and then displays the text and pictures you want to show by turning on or off the LED lights of various colors. Or video etc. The LED splicing screen has higher brightness, presents a larger picture, and has a strong three-dimensional sense. It can present a clear picture both indoors and outdoors, so it is more and more used by various industries.


Four connection forms of LED display:

1. The whole screen of the LED display is assembled in series: the LED1-n in the general simple series connection method are connected end to end, and the current flowing through the LED display is equal when it is working. The other is the improved way of series connection with bypass as 1.1.

2. The LED display screen is assembled in parallel for the entire screen: one is a simple parallel form, and the other is an independent matching parallel form. The LED1-n in the simple parallel mode are connected in parallel end to end, and the voltages on each LED are equal during operation.

This kind of reliability is not high, but it also adopts the parallel form of independent matching to solve this problem, which has the characteristics of good driving effect, complete protection of a single LED display, no impact on other work in case of failure, and large differences in matching.

3. LED display cross array assembly method: The cross array shape is mainly proposed to improve the reliability of the LED display and reduce the failure rate.

4. Hybrid assembly method of LED display screen: the advantages of parallel connection and series connection mentioned in the appeal are comprehensive. It also includes 2 kinds. One is the hybrid mode of first serial and then parallel, and the other is the hybrid mode of first parallel and then serial.


The above four LED display assembly and connection methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the most suitable LED display connection method can be selected according to different applications. Many engineers and technicians tend to ignore this point, which leads to various connection failures in the LED display, which ultimately affects product quality and reduces user trust. It can be seen that the assembly of the LED display screen, the details determine the success or failure!


LED display splicing precautions:


1. The filling factor should be high:

And the LED display screen is composed of discrete pixels, and there are obvious non-luminous black areas between the pixels, so when viewed from a close distance, the picture is not coherent and incomplete, and the uneven brightness produces a grainy feeling. If the light source is limited In a very small pixel surface area, when the brightness of a single pixel is several times or even more than ten times the brightness of the entire screen, it will cause a more serious glare.

The TCO'99 standard recognized by the flat panel display industry stipulates that the fill factor of the display device should not be less than 50%. For LED displays with the same dot spacing, the smaller the fill factor is more attenuated than the larger one, so the shooting distance needs to be increased; and if the low-pass filter passband of the system is 4MHZ, the high-frequency attenuation characteristic is 12dp times. frequency range.

Then the shooting distance with a fill factor of 25% is attenuated by 1.15dp more than a fill factor of 50%, and the shooting distance needs to be increased by about 10%. Therefore, the higher the fill factor, the wider the viewing angle of the display screen and the more ideal color mixing effect. ; Therefore, it also solves the problem of glare, and also creates conditions for properly increasing the brightness of the entire screen to obtain better effects.

2. The dot spacing of the LCD splicing screen should be small:

The dot pitch is the distance between the LED display screen adjacent to the pixel center point. The smaller the dot pitch, the more pixels per unit area, the higher the resolution, and the closer the shooting distance can be; therefore, in order to achieve an excellent display effect, it is necessary to pay attention to the difference between the resolution of the signal source and the dot pitch. And try to achieve the same resolution, point-to-point display has been achieved, so as to achieve the best display effect.

3. Adjustment status of color temperature

Color temperature is the temperature determined by comparing the shape of the emission spectrum of the emitter to the shape of the best fit black body emission spectrum. For example: when the studio uses the LED display as the background to display the picture, its color temperature should be consistent with the color temperature of the indoor lighting in the studio, so that accurate color reproduction can be obtained during shooting; therefore, as long as the LED display is adjusted to the corresponding color temperature, Satisfactory shooting results can be obtained.


4. Appropriate use environment:

As an integrated electronic product, LED display is mainly composed of control panel, light-emitting device, switching power supply and other components equipped with electronic components; and the stability and life of these components are closely related to the environment in which they are used. . When the actual working temperature exceeds the specified use range of the product, it will not only shorten the service life, but also seriously damage the product itself.

And if you work in a dusty environment, the deposition of dust will also affect the heat dissipation of electronic components, causing the temperature of the components to rise, resulting in a stable thermal drop or even leakage. In more serious cases It will cause the equipment to burn out and cause huge economic losses, so the use environment should also be the "top priority" of attention.

Expand all four led display connection forms:

1. The whole screen of the LED display is assembled in series: the LED1-n in the general simple series connection method are connected end to end, and the current flowing through the LED display is equal when it is working. The other is the improved way of series connection with bypass as 1.1.

2. The LED display screen is assembled in parallel for the entire screen: one is a simple parallel form, and the other is an independent matching parallel form. The LED1-n in the simple parallel mode are connected in parallel end to end, and the voltages on each LED are equal during operation.

This kind of reliability is not high, but it also adopts the parallel form of independent matching to solve this problem, which has the characteristics of good driving effect, complete protection of a single LED display, no impact on other work in case of failure, and large differences in matching.

3. LED display cross array assembly method: The cross array shape is mainly proposed to improve the reliability of the LED display and reduce the failure rate.

4. Hybrid assembly method of LED display screen: the advantages of parallel connection and series connection mentioned in the appeal are comprehensive. It also includes 2 kinds. One is the hybrid mode of first serial and then parallel, and the other is the hybrid mode of first parallel and then serial.

The above four LED display assembly and connection methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the most suitable LED display connection method can be selected according to different applications.


Extended information:


1. Switch sequence:

When the screen is turned on: first power on, then turn on the screen. When the screen is turned off: turn off the screen first, then shut down
(Turn off the computer first without turning off the display screen, which will cause bright spots on the screen body, and the LEDs will burn the lamps, which will cause serious consequences.)

2. The time interval between switching on and off the screen should be more than 5 minutes.

3. After the computer enters the engineering control software, the screen can be powered on.

4. Avoid opening the screen in a completely white screen state, because the inrush current of the system is the largest at this time. 5. Avoid opening the screen in an out-of-control state, because the inrush current of the system is the largest at this time.

5. When the ambient temperature is too high or the heat dissipation conditions are not good, the LED lighting should be careful not to open the screen for a long time.

6. When a part of the electronic display screen appears very bright, you should pay attention to closing the screen in time. In this state, it is not suitable to open the screen for a long time.

7. The power switch of the display screen often trips, and the screen body should be checked or the power switch should be replaced in time.

8. Regularly check the firmness of the connection. If there is any looseness, pay attention to timely adjustment, re-reinforce or update the hanger.

9. According to the environment of the large-screen display screen and the control part, avoid insect bites, and place anti-rat medicine if necessary.

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