What is shipping instructions for lcd video wall?

LCD video wall

With the continuous advancement of technology, LCD splicing screens have become a common choice in large-scale display equipment.

LCD splicing screens have the advantages of high resolution, high brightness, and wide viewing angles.

They can achieve seamless splicing of large-size images and are widely used in conference rooms, billboards, exhibition halls, and other occasions.

However, understanding the control mode switching wiring and precautions of LCD splicing screens can help users better use this advanced display device and improve work efficiency.


LCD splicing screens are very fragile during transportation and must be handled with special care and caution.

What is shipping instructions for lcd video wall?

Packaging materials:

Make sure to use high-quality packaging materials, such as foam glue, bubble wrap, thick cardboard, etc., to protect the LCD splicing screen from physical damage. Packaging materials should have shock-absorbing and buffering functions to reduce the impact of vibration and impact on the screen.


Static electricity protection:

When handling LCD splicing screens, static electricity should be avoided as it may have adverse effects on electronic components.

Wearing anti-static clothing and using anti-static equipment, such as gloves and static wrist straps, can help reduce the risk of electrostatic discharge.


Correct packaging:

Make sure to place the LCD splicing screen in the right location and use appropriate support materials to prevent the screen from bending or being twisted during transportation.

It is best to place the LCD splicing screen horizontally to reduce stress.


Keep Dry:

LCD splicing screens should be kept from moisture and moisture.

Humidity can cause damage to electronic components, so take special care to avoid liquid contact during transportation.


Labelling and records:

Mark the fragility of the LCD splicing screen on the packaging, as well as a reminder that it needs to be handled with care.

Record packaging details such as damage, packaging date and shipping company information for future inquiries or claims.


Use a professional shipping company:

If possible, choose a professional shipping company.

They usually have the experience and specialized equipment to safely transport large electronic equipment.

Make sure the shipping company understands the special requirements for LCD video screens and can provide appropriate insurance coverage.


Check for shock and temperature during shipping:

If you can, monitor shock and temperature changes during shipping. This can help you detect problems promptly and take necessary measures.


Keep the original packaging:

If possible, keep the original packaging of the LCD splicing screen, as it is usually designed to minimize shipping risks.

If you need to transport the LCD splicing screen again, you can reuse the original packaging.

 LCD video wall 2*2

What should you pay attention to when receiving the screen?

Choose a suitable installation location: LCD splicing screens are usually larger, and their size and weight need to be taken into consideration when installing them.

A sturdy bracket or wall should be chosen to ensure it is safe and secure.


Prepare necessary tools:

When installing the LCD splicing screen, you need to use some tools, such as screwdrivers, wrenches, rulers, etc.

Before starting the installation, you should make sure that these tools are available and can be used correctly.


Confirm the power supply and signal lines:

The LCD splicing screen needs to connect the power supply and signal lines to work properly. Before installation, you need to confirm the location and interface type of these lines and prepare the corresponding power and signal wires.


Follow the instructions:

Different models of LCD splicing screens have different installation steps and precautions. Before installation, you should read the product manual carefully and follow the steps in the manual.


Maintenance and cleaning:

To ensure normal operation and extend the service life of the LCD splicing screen, it needs to be maintained and cleaned regularly.

You can use special detergents and soft cloth for cleaning, and avoid using detergents containing corrosive substances such as acids and alkalis.


Avoid excessive pressure:

When splicing LCD screens, avoid using excessive pressure or excessive squeezing to avoid damaging the LCD screen.


Test function:

After the installation is completed, the LCD splicing screen should be tested to confirm its normal operation.

You can play some videos or pictures for testing to check whether the brightness, contrast, colour, etc. of the screen are normal.

Final thought

Before shipping your LCD video wall, it's a good idea to check the shipping and handling guidelines provided by the manufacturer to make sure you follow their recommendations to protect your device from damage.

If you are not sure how to transport it or are worried about the safety of the equipment, it is recommended to choose iSEMC.

LCD video wall shipping

iSEMC LCD video wall has packaging protection, stable fixation, and shock-proof protection. Through correct transportation measures and careful operation, you can ensure that the splicing screen is safe and intact during transportation.