LED display with enterprise exhibition hall

(1)Introduction to the Smart Exhibition Hall

The digital exhibition hall is a very useful means to show the strength of the company, and it can also be said to be a window of the company to the outside world. The traditional way of showroom display is to put products and business on the booth for the public to appreciate.In addition, a large number of personnel are required to explain. This method not only wastes a lot of financial and material resources, but also consumes manpower, giving people a monotonous feeling. It does not make a special impression, the audience is not interested, and the promotion effect cannot be achieved.

Multimedia digital exhibition hall is a technology exhibition venue, which integrates projection video, interactive technology, virtual reality, etc. in one exhibition hall, bringing viewers an immersive interactive viewing experience.

At present, more and more companies combine multimedia digital technology with exhibition halls, changing the traditional method of corporate exhibition hall display, and combining corporate culture with new technologies in multimedia, allowing companies to show a more comprehensive and in-depth interpretation of the core of corporate culture. content to help companies improve their corporate image.

As an important venue for the company to display its brand image and products, the corporate exhibition hall has been paid more and more attention by many corporate leaders in recent years, especially some companies that attach more importance to brand image and promotion, often plan space within the company,to plan A personalized showroom to display various information.

We know that traditional exhibition halls are static and lack interaction. Today's digital exhibition halls have rich display methods and introduce high-definition display devices to enhance the interaction of the audience, making them more interesting and artistic. The modern exhibition hall uses multimedia large-screen display technology, attracts visitors with various innovative and conceptual display methods, and completes the digital appearance of human-computer interaction.

The modern exhibition hall combines the concept of LED display, special-shaped display, holographic image and virtual reality and other display technologies, so that the digital exhibition hall has a sense of technology, interactivity and interest, and also makes the display content more intuitive and colorful. For example, the corporate exhibition hall can gain the trust of customers by optimizing the corporate image and focusing on displaying corporate products, allowing customers to understand the company's culture, products and services. It can also be used as a place for customers to visit, watch, communicate and negotiate. Therefore, in recent years, it has become an inevitable trend for enterprises to build their own exhibition halls.

Effect display of LED screen

(2) LED display technology and products

The small-pitch LED display not only displays clearly, but also seamlessly removes splicing, and the split-screen display has no sense of separation, to avoid missing any vital information; high response speed, can accurately, quickly and clearly respond to the picture; high-resolution, can easily complete 4K, 8K high-definition display. Moreover, it is easy to install, thin in thickness, saves space and easy to maintain, and plays an important role in the display of the exhibition hall.

The special-shaped display screen breaks the traditional rectangular shape of the display screen, and is randomly spliced into various irregular shapes to display some highly conceived content. Attract the attention of the audience to achieve better publicity effect, and also better broaden the application scope of LED display splicing.

(3)Advantages of Smart Showroom

  1. The intelligent exhibition hall design of multimedia system combines a variety of intelligent equipment such as digital sand table, touch screen, interactive bar, ring screen theater, etc., giving people a different feeling of vision and hearing!


  1. The smart exhibition hall design of the multimedia system integrates various innovative technologies, which makes the exhibition hall connotative and attractive. According to the application of video, sound, animation and other media, the use value of the brand is greatly improved.


  1. In the design of the smart exhibition hall, some related technologies will be used to highlight the power of technology and make people understand more deeply. Compared with the traditional subtitles, the smart exhibition hall will also be more impressive.


(4)Planning principles of enterprise exhibition hall

  1. Accurate positioning 2. Reasonable layout 3. Atmospheric design 4. Distinction between primary and secondary 5. Elaborate on material selection 6. Integration into culture

LED screen realizes data monitoring of multiple screens

(5)the impact and value of digital display

  1. Effectively enhance the publicity effect: Multimedia interactive technology is a unique display method and a novel publicity method, which can effectively enhance the brand image and deepen the impression of the brand image in people's hearts.
  2. Full of sense of science and technology: A lot of multimedia interactive technology is used in the digital exhibition hall of the enterprise, which makes the exhibition hall full of modern science and technology, so that customers can feel the culture of the enterprise more.
  3. Full of creativity: The enterprise digital exhibition hall combines the knowledge of technology and architecture, so that people can feel the combination of various creativity during the visit.
  4. Strong sense of interactive experience: Interactive experience is a major advantage of digital enterprise exhibition halls. It can not only fully display the corporate culture, but also allow visitors to have an immersive interactive visiting experience.
  5. More intelligent: The biggest feature of the digital exhibition hall is to make the visit and display more intelligent and humanized.

In today's business economy under the influence of brand effect, every enterprise is trying their best to build its own brand value. Such as advertising in CCTV, outdoor media, radio, etc., after a lot of publicity to do brand promotion. These are all external publicity advertisements belonging to the company. In fact, similar advertisements can also be reflected in the corporate exhibition hall to a large extent, and the company exhibition hall must have a strong amount of information to fully demonstrate the company's various strengths.

Nowadays, there are shadows of digital exhibition halls in many enterprises, building extraordinary exhibition halls with brilliant digital media, and interpreting various unprecedented user experiences with thorough intelligence. Digital exhibition has become a way for enterprises to show their charm and enhance brand value. Important choice.