Smart Classroom: Classroom Recording System

Why develop a smart classroom?

When technology "embraces" technology, its essence is no longer simply transforming "offline" into "online", let alone blindly digitizing and intelligentizing the traditional teaching process. Instead, it is necessary to carefully examine the overall situation of the integration of information technology and education and teaching in daily teaching. In the new educational situation, information technology, teaching activities, teaching methods, teachers' ability to use products, teaching and data management, etc. will all affect the actual application effect of "smart classroom". Therefore, "smart classroom" is a revolution without gunpowder compared to "traditional classroom".

The difference between smart teaching classroom and traditional teaching classroom:

With the continuous development of modern teaching technology, traditional teaching classrooms are gradually unable to meet the needs of modern teaching. Traditional teaching is mainly manifested in: single classroom teaching mode, unrealistic teaching in different places, subjective judgment of students' listening status, low classroom participation in modern teaching, and lack of effective and intuitive means for managers to supervise and manage teaching. Therefore, the development of smart classrooms has become particularly important.

What is a Classroom Recording System?

Smart teaching derived from the era of educational informatization has begun to be valued by the education industry. With the increasing development of classroom recording systems, the traditional classroom teaching video mode can no longer meet the needs of educational diversification. In addition, the classroom recording system can be better integrated with electronic systems, multimedia terminals and other teaching equipment. With the popularity of technology, smart classroom recording systems allow real-time interaction and participation, and also provide recording and playback functions. The scope of classroom teaching has been expanded, the level of shared teaching resources has been improved, and the utilization rate of teaching resources has been greatly improved.


What are the advantages of iSMEC to create a perfect classroom recording system?

Visual management:

The main purpose of using the classroom recording system is to avoid the disadvantages of inefficiency in the video form of traditional classroom teaching. The classroom recording system can achieve the movement and zooming of the camera lens through manual operation and automatic camera tracking and switching. Teaching administrators can fully monitor the classroom situation. Combined with dynamic data presentation, it is convenient for teaching managers to carry out daily monitoring, supervision and inspection tours, etc. This ensures that students can always follow the teacher in the classroom, ensuring the efficiency of student learning.

Focus on communication and interaction:

In the past, when the webcast was based on the intelligent recording and broadcasting system, the client only received the data signal in one direction, but there was no feedback of the data signal, and the interaction between the scene and the Internet could not be guaranteed, and in some cases it was a flaw. For example, with an Internet-based intelligent recording and broadcasting system, teachers will not be able to get timely feedback. Feedback is particularly important for improving the quality of classroom teaching, and the feedback that can be obtained. This means that more in-depth and detailed teaching can be carried out and the teaching effect can be improved.

Multi-window display:

At the same time as the live teaching scene, the host records the monitored multiple video streams in real time and generates them in the specified courseware directory. Each recorded video is a true and accurate record of high-quality teaching courses. When playing back the recorded courseware, multiple video streams can be displayed in windows, and each video stream can be switched between each other in the playback window to reproduce the teaching interaction scene wonderfully.

To meet teaching needs:

With the development and change of technology, the classroom recording system is gradually becoming mature from immature. And it can be practiced according to the needs of enterprise customers, constantly researching these problems and solving difficulties. Intelligent recording and broadcasting is gradually recognized and accepted by many people. In today's education and teaching environment, classroom recording systems are more and more widely used in primary and secondary schools.

System Diagram:


What is the main significance of the classroom recording system?

Classroom live streaming:

The classroom recording system has a good prospect in the education industry, because it can achieve an effect of classroom live broadcasting. This allows some students who cannot attend classes on site to take classes remotely through the platform, just like attending classes on site. The teacher uses the classroom recording system to broadcast live, and the students can directly listen to the class through the Internet. In this teaching method, teachers can also communicate with students moderately, and share all high-quality resources with each student. Even students in remote places can hear the courses of those high-quality teachers, which directly narrows the gap between students and students. Make education more balanced, realize the sharing of educational resources and learning without geographical restrictions.

The education industry can reflect on:

Using the classroom recording system can also allow teachers to reflect on their own teaching in the classroom. Because of the traditional teaching methods, it is difficult for teachers to find any deficiencies in their classrooms, nor can they see how their overall teaching status is. This traditional teaching method will be very restrictive. However, the classroom recording system allows teachers to directly log in to the platform after class to view the materials they have recorded. In this way, teachers can find out where they are deficient in time, and enhance the awareness of self-reflection. This plays a key role in delivering better teaching results and methods to those students and teachers in need.

Improving the quality of teaching assessment:

Using the classroom recording system, the school management can learn about the teaching situation of each teacher in time through the recorded video. And what is the atmosphere in the classroom and the interaction between teachers and students, which is more effective than those traditional methods. The traditional inspection method is to let the school management sit at the back of the classroom and listen to the lectures, but in fact this method can be deceptive. Therefore, using the classroom recording system to record lessons will be more comprehensive and efficient. Nowadays, many schools have begun to use classroom recording systems to evaluate and manage teaching quality. It can be felt that after the recording and broadcasting, the teacher's teaching method has also been significantly improved.