Audio Matrix:Definition, basic principles, common scenarios, operation methods

Audio Matrix Control Room

With the continuous development of technology, audio matrix, as an important audio processing equipment, is known and used by more and more people. The audio matrix can mix, separate, and switch multiple audio signals to achieve flexible audio processing and switching.

This article will introduce you to the basic principles, common usage scenarios, and operation methods of the audio matrix. I hope this article can help you better master the usage skills of the audio matrix.

Audio Matrix controller

What is Audio Matrix?

The audio and video matrix is also called the AV matrix. AV matrix switcher is a switching device for sound and synchronized composite video signals, that is, audio and video switcher. Its input and output interfaces are standard BNC or RCA interfaces. You can arbitrarily select the audio and composite video signals at the input end to switch to the sound system and display the device through software control, panel buttons, remote control, etc. at the signal output end.

Traditional audio distribution, because the audio source device itself has a limited number of interfaces, requires frequent unplugging and wiring when switching audio distribution, and cannot be assigned to a large number of audio players at the same time.

Line for Audio Device

Multiple audio source signals need to be distributed at the same time. Similar problems will also be encountered with multiple audio players, causing great inconvenience, and resulting in problems such as untimely audio switching and poor audio distribution effects.

The audio matrix implements switching output of input video images and audio sounds. An accurate summary is: that one audio source can be output to multiple devices at the same time, and can be switched freely, and multiple audio sources of different signal types can be output to multiple audio devices of different signal types at the same time to meet the video distribution needs of multimedia conferences.

Audio matrix is currently mainly used in radio and television engineering, multimedia conference halls, large-screen display engineering, television teaching, command and control centers, and other fields.

iSEMC's AM Series is an audio matrix controller for switching and distributing stereo audio signals. The output has any channel distribution function. It can choose one output for multiple audio input signals, or choose one audio input signal for one output or multiple simultaneous outputs.

iSEMC Audio Matrix controller

Basic principles of audio matrix

The audio matrix is a device that implements operations such as mixing, separation, and switching of audio signals through a crossbar switch. It usually consists of multiple input ports, multiple output ports, and a crossbar switch. The input port receives signals from various audio signal sources, and the output port outputs the processed signal to the target device. The crossbar switch is responsible for connecting or disconnecting the input port and the output port to achieve mixing, separation, and switching of signals.

Common usage scenarios of audio matrix

1.Conference room audio processing:

In a conference room, it is usually necessary to mix, separate, and switch signals from multiple microphones, speakers, and other equipment. At this time, an audio matrix can be used to achieve efficient processing and switching of conference room audio.

2.Audio processing at the performance site:

At the performance site, it is usually necessary to mix, separate, and switch the signals of multiple instruments, microphones, and other equipment. At this time, an audio matrix can also be used to achieve efficient processing and switching of live audio at the performance.

3.Recording studio audio processing:

In a recording studio, it is usually necessary to mix, separate, and switch signals from multiple microphones, speakers, and other equipment. At this time, an audio matrix can also be used to achieve efficient processing and switching of audio in the recording studio.

People control Audio by laptop

How to operate an audio matrix

1.Connect the input port and output port:

First, you need to connect the audio signal source to the input port of the audio matrix, and then connect the target device to the output port of the audio matrix. This allows the signal from the source to be transmitted to the target device.

2.Set the crossbar switch:

Next, you need to set the crossbar switch to connect or disconnect the input port and the output port. Crossbar switches can usually be set using the audio matrix's control panel or remote control to mix, separate, and switch signals.

3.Adjust audio parameters:

Finally, you need to adjust audio parameters according to actual needs, such as volume, tone, balance, and other parameters. You can usually use the audio matrix's control panel or remote control to adjust audio parameters to achieve efficient audio processing and switching.

Final thought

In general, users can select different audio and video input sources and transmit them to the required output devices, switching and distributing signals as needed to meet different application needs