
What is video wall?

A video wall is a large display consisting of more than one video screen fixed together to form a single logical screen.

A video wall can be formed using LCD or LED computer screens, traditional television sets and video projectors. They can also be formed in the traditional square or rectangular shape of a television, or a less traditional shape. When a video wall is created by combining several videos, the screens used often have ultra-thin edges called bezels to make a disruption in the picture between screens less noticeable.

Here are introduce 2 different way to work with split display,It’s Daisy chainand Matrix.



What does daisy chain mean?Employing a series of interconnected display monitors from a single device is known as “Daisy Chaining”.The signal is sent from the device directly into first display monitor, another cable from the first monitor to the second, the second to the third, the third to the fourth etc.  This method is usually only available on Professional Display devices, which are more expensive than standard display monitors. 

To set this up, you'll need a compatible device, displays that are compatible with the Daisy Chaining technique, and cables to connect the devices.

While 'chaining' your devices may prove more efficient in terms of less hardware requirements i.e. Matrix or Video Wall controller (See 'Matrix' setup below), it is worth noting that Professional displays with Daisy Chain interlinking capability tend to be multiple times more expensive than a standard display monitor.But effect of display is unsatisfactory,Because it need one by one to connect the signal,So from the first screen to last screens will have delay,so we don’t recommend this solution in the fact,It better to choose a professional video wall control to do this work will be economical and useful choice.

Like for a setup of 4 screens we would advise using a video wall controller CE-UHD:It support Input: 1 x HDMI 2.0, 1 x DP, 1 x HDMI1.4, up to 3840 x 2160@60Hz,Output: 4 x HDMI1.3 / 1 x 3.5mm audio interface, up to 1920x1080@60Hz,And it really cost-effective.

video wall Matrix

video signal switching equipment


A display which uses a Video Wall Processor to mediate and distribute a single signal from your device to multiple display monitors is known as a ‘Matrix’ setup. 


Other terms for the Video Wall Processors include "splitters", “matrix switchers”, “video wall controllers”, “signal switches”, or some other combination. These devices take in several inputs and then output them to displays in a controlled way. This allows you to split one signal, or organize many signals, among displays how you choose.

An example of a Matrix Implementation for a Video Wall

While this gives you a lot of control over how your content will be displayed, video splitters can be expensive. $200-300 can be expected for a 4-input HDMI splitter, and $500-600 for an 8-input splitter or small 4K splitter.

As the processing of the signal takes place in the Matrix device it is not necessary to avail of a high powered Graphics card on a device with the appropriate CPU to run it (unlike using Daisy Chaining implementation). This means that a lower CPU device can be used. 

However, you must make sure that the outputs/inputs of your video splitter match those of your device and displays. You can only display the maximum output resolution of your device. So if you are outputting a 1920x1080 signal from a device onto 4 screens, each screen will only display 480x270. Keep this in mind, as it can make your content look unintentionally blurry.

The most commonly used is video wall controller. Types of video controllers include:

Hardware-based controller: Commonly used for a single purpose, similar to a remote control used for a traditional television. Without its own operating system , they are built using video processing chips with one or several inputs that split the content for delivery onto multiple displays. While they lack flexibility, they are regarded as consistent with superior performance.iSEMC have VK series and NP series controller now,It work with software together,Give our customer best support.

Software-based controller: Requires a dedicated PC running an OS or a server with special graphics cards. While offering more flexibility with the ability to run and display applications directly to the video wall, software-based controllers are open to typical computing vulnerabilities, such as, and can require inconvenient updates. Performance is based on the quality of graphics cards and management software.

Video walls are used in business and transportation, as well as entertainment. They are also useful in very large places where information needs to reach massive crowds, such as stadiums and airports.conference room, multipurpose space, auditorium to public space display. Digital signage and central video control systems are tailor-designed to meet each client’s requirements, to achieve impressive video experience with simple management.If you need it, get in touch with us.


View isemc best video wall controller