Video Wall Development Trend

The development of video wall displays will produce changes in applications

The global video wall market is beginning to show amazing growth. Market research companies pointed out that during the forecast period (2021-2026), the global market value of video walls will reach 37 billion U.S. dollars in 2026, and the three major video wall technologies have increased by about 47% year-on-year: DLP, LED, and LCD video wall.

LCD & Video Wall Controller

The report describes a highly competitive field in which DLP is still dominant in the control room. This is largely due to their importance in the control room. They are characterized by reliability and application to the key. The ability of task application.

When talking about a small 8% drop in the 35,8000 DLP sold, the analyst pointed out: Once new technologies emerge that can improve their reliability, RPC’s market share will begin to decline, but it will not decline immediately, even in At the end of the forecast period, the trading volume will still reach around 20,000.

However, the demand for LCD and small-pitch LEDs in the video wall market is growing significantly. This year, the output of liquid crystal displays reached 1.3 million units. Public displays and digital signage have firmly established themselves to drive this 45% increase, while the value of small-pitch LEDs has increased by 50% to US$1.7 billion.

The factors surrounding the growing impact of all these technologies vary, including price drops, the integration of new and evolving technologies such as flip-chips, smaller pixel pitches, and shrinking screen sizes as aesthetic standards increase. , In the market, more suppliers join giants like Samsung and Sony, and adopt new methods to showcase the expanded integration field of video walls, especially in digital outdoor information distribution, large venues and commercial space applications.

People's interest in displaying large images has always existed, but until now, it has not been possible to achieve this at an affordable price. In the past ten years, the introduction and development of LCD and LED video wall technologies, together with infrastructure software, players/controllers, content, etc., have promoted their development.

The decline in hardware prices is very rapid, and it matches the significant development in technical performance, both of which make video walls more attractive and affordable for end users. Accessibility and familiarity are the two key points of LCD. For LED, the solution goes beyond project-based business and shifts more to the operating cost model. More shifts to the operating cost model will promote scale and thus the cycle.

Office LCD video wall technologies


Integration impact
In a recent video clip highlighting the growing outdoor industry in the UK, it can be seen that the introduction of digital outdoor advertising has greatly changed this market. Large-scale telecommunications investment and digitalization have promoted this stagnant industry, and it has an impact on UK digital How does the outdoor information release channel reach the audience.

It will take 20 to 30 years to make everything digital, but this is the direction of development. The nature of how the screen is used varies with different screen types. But as far as the operating cost of running a digital screen is concerned, we are now at such a level that even if you want to exhibit the same content in two to three weeks, using a digital screen is more operational than having a network that requires someone to post a poster. More effective.

This is good news for integrators involved in digital outdoor information publishing. With more flexible screen sizes, lower screen costs and more effective technology to drive audience interaction, video walls are being applied to this field, not only in digital outdoor information release, but also in more commercial and large venue environments. This shift is the number one driving factor for the increase in demand and popularity of video walls.

A greater influence at lower prices is driving the integration of video walls in increasingly unconventional spaces. More importantly, this is because it allows you to customize space for events, sales, and holidays, as opposed to static installations or art installations. 

Audiovisual interaction in the square

Innovative integration

As video wall installations become more and more popular, and more dynamic growth is about to occur, how to integrate displays becomes more important. Its design and scalability have been impressive, and there is no doubt that beauty is the key factor for the new and next-generation video walls to be brought to the market.

Regarding LCDs that display the spectrum, the evaluation of reducing the bezel width is a "hot topic" in LCD video wall integration, because end users are increasingly disgusted by the abrupt crosshairs in the content of new displays on the market.

At present, the smallest frame distance commercially available on the market is 1mm, and the smallest acceptable frame distance on the market is usually 1.7-1.8mm. However, by 2022, it is expected that there will be frame connections below 1 mm. Having said that, the development of ultra-narrow bezel products has been slower, and the production of narrow bezels (2-4mm) still accounts for the majority. However, as the width of the frame decreases, the fragility of the product increases, making installation more difficult, and integrators must be very careful when touching the display.

However, liquid crystal displays may be affected by fine-pitch LEDs, which have been successfully used in large-scale video wall applications. This predicted shift will come at the cost of projection and tiled LCD walls, as both have limitations eliminated by LEDs. This includes the maintenance and brightness of the projection, the brightness and the seams of the LCD. From a physical point of view, the development of thin packaging technology for LED displays provides us with more ways to install screens without worrying about the protruding depth requirements of ADA.

Pixel pitch is still important, but notice that the competition to achieve smaller pixels is slowing down. P1.2mm to P1.8mm are currently the most effective point for most applications, while P1mm is not of good quality and price is too high. For applications like retail, where the viewing distance is larger, then a larger pixel pitch is usually sufficient. In addition to pixel pitch, we believe that durability has become a more important topic in LEDs, and new solutions will enter marketing, which brings customers/consumers/end users closer to the screen.

The challenges of growth

As the video wall market opens up to accommodate more commercial, large, and advertising spaces, the task of integrators is now to find creative ways to capture and influence audiences who may have become accustomed to strong visual effects and digital landscapes. This is done on the basis of project definition display selection, deployment plan and content list.

Content is critical to successful execution. Nowadays, the size and scale alone can no longer amaze the audience. You need great content and a unified presentation to truly create an unforgettable experience. Supporting conditions such as lighting and audio are also key components of the video wall controller.

Regardless of the scale, pre-planning projects should be the top priority for integrators specializing in video wall installation. The sooner the builders participate, the better the final solution. Collaborate with designers, architects and project planners to create more interesting installations from the beginning. It goes without saying that this is also an important factor in content creation.

Of course, what is combined with content and deployment is the impact of the video wall itself. Users ask integrators and designers to really come up with some new tricks to make them more visually appealing, especially when the new video wall display adapts to a previously unheard configuration.

The device to be installed is no longer rectangular, there are many examples of unusual or different installations in which different shapes are created. Even a simple display that mixes landscapes and portraits will complicate installation and produce unusual display effects. Similarly, for LED video walls, the potential installations are endless and not limited to fixed shapes. It is possible to have shapes like curved displays, which creates many new opportunities.